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Zero waste

Croatia among the worst in waste management in the EU - 62 organizations sent a proposal of the solution to the Ministry

Coalition informally called "Zero Waste Croatia'' consisting of 44 environmental organizations gathered in Green Forum and 18 other NGOs and citizen initiatives sent today a common suggestion to create a new proposal of Waste Management Implementation Plan. Associations welcome the announcement of the new environment minister to abandon the harmful burning of trash and building of regional centers for mixed waste and require that the proposal of the Plan incorporate efficient measures of reducing, reusing, separation and recycling of waste. These measures are based on the concept of zero waste to protect the environment and avoid compromising health.

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Balkan protests show need for more EU action on air pollution – new analyses

Thousands of people took to the streets of Skopje, Pljevlja, Tuzla and other cities across the Western Balkans in December to demand action on chronic air pollution plaguing their communities. A new briefing paper shows that to a large degree these recurring smog incidents are the result of national authorities' protracted inaction. Yet, air quality could be dramatically improved if two EU directives are transposed into the Energy Community Treaty, according to two legal analyses also released today.

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FoE Croatia got Zero Waste in Croatia moving! 7 municipalities adopted Zero Waste Strategy!

Representatives of the city of Prelog and six surrounding municipalities today signed the European “Zero Waste 2020” strategy at a conference in Prelog organised by NGO Zelena akcija / Friends of the Earth Croatia and the communal waste company PRE-KOM. By signing the strategy, the local authorities – which are already leaders in sustainable waste management in Croatia – have committed to meet the ambitious goal of 70% separately collected waste by 2020.


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