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Goals and strategy


Basic goals:

  • Environmental and nature protection
  • Promotion of sustainable development

Other goals:

  • Encouraging and strengthening the role of the public in exercising the constitutional right to a healthy environment and nature and the responsibilities arising from it;
  • Participation in the creation, implementation and monitoring of public policies, at local, national and EU level, that affect the environment and nature.

In the period 2020-2024, the organisation will focus on strategic development in two main areas of development:

  • Programme development
  • Organisational development

and its activities will contribute to the achievement of horizontal goals. Each area of activity in the period 2020-2024 has defined general goals and specific goals and set indicators of fulfillment.


Strategic development goals (organisational goals), program action goals (programme goals) and horizontal goals are defined.


  • Ensured the sustainability of the organisation through strengthened human capacity and increased financial stability;
  • Increased visibility of FoE Croatia’s work;
  • Established structure for the implementation of the strategic plan for 2020-2024.


  • Transition to a post-fossil fuel society with a developed movement for climate justice in the Republic of Croatia;
  • Protection of natural, common and public goods and public services;
  • ‘Zero waste’ society based on prevention, reuse and sustainable waste management;
  • Developed and strengthened environmental activism and movement in the region and the Republic of Croatia.


In this strategic period, FoE Croatia will contribute to the achievement of the following horizontal objectives:

  • Preserved and improved institutional framework and conditions for the functioning of civil society;
  • Changed consumer habits of citizens, with the aim of reducing harmful effects on the environment and society;
  • Prevented the privatisation of natural resources, common and public goods, common and public goods and public services, and developed models of democratisation of their management.

In achieving the above mentioned objectives, FoE Croatia will base its activities on climate, social and economic justice and the principles of solidarity. In our work, we will use the following approaches:

  • Advocacy work on climate crisis, biodiversity crisis and governance models;
  • Prevention of harmful projects through concrete interventions, prevention of privatisation, and good governance and legal framework;
  • Strengthening the activist movement at the national and regional level, primarily through educational activities.

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