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We protect the environment and fight for a better life for all people

Climate crisis

Topics related to climate change have been among the most important since the beginning of Zelena akcija/FoE Croatia, and over the years we have mostly dealt with the problem of fossil fuels, transport and promotion of solutions. Through our activities, we want to contribute to the transition to a post-fossil society as well as to the development of the climate justice movement in Croatia, guided by the principles of social justice and systemic change.

Climate change

Fossil fuels


The energy we want

Biodiversity crisis

The biodiversity crisis, along with climate change, is the most serious environmental problem facing humanity. The rate at which we are losing species, as well as the drastic reduction in their populations, indicate that we are in the midst of the sixth major extinction in the history of our planet. Since 2000, the Green Action has been actively involved in the protection of nature and biodiversity. Through our activities, we strive to contribute to the preservation of natural resources, while we are committed to the preservation of nature as the foundation of sustainable development.

Nature protection


Zero waste

Zelena akcija/FoE Croatia has been very active on waste from the very beginning. We conduct numerous trainings on sustainable waste management and strive to influence national and local policies related to waste and resource use. In this way, we want to contribute to the creation of a society based on prevention, reuse and sustainable waste management.

Waste reduction

Zero waste cities


False solutions

Good governance

Commons and public goods are threatened not only by direct devastation, but also by poor governance, which is especially true of public services. Cases of poor public governance models are used as arguments for privatisation, although experience shows that in this case there is further devastation of goods and/or increase in service prices and reduced opportunities to influence the governance system. FoE Croatia continuously points out harmful decisions of various levels of government, offering different models of public and natural resource management.

Public goods and commons

Spatial politics

Activism and civil society

Zelena akcija/FoE Croatia is an organisation for environmental and social justice, and our work is based on civic activism and solidarity. Our activities are primarily focused on the protection of nature and the environment and the promotion of sustainable development in Croatia and beyond, but we also include other topics important for the protection and promotion of human rights because society is inseparable from the environment.

Activism and civil society

Law and environmental protection


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