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Coalition of 54 organisations tells Croatian Ministry: No to mixing and burning waste!

The 'Zero Waste Croatia' coalition, made up of 54 environmental NGOs lead by Zelena akcija / Friends of the Earth Croatia has today submitted joint comments on the draft national Waste Management Plan 2015-2021. The groups are calling on the Ministry of Environmental Protection to give up the concept of mixing and incinerating waste and instead to base the plan on reducing, re-using and recycling waste. Such measures, based on the zero waste concept, would be in line with the waste hierarchy, protect the environment, and avoid harming people's health.


Resist the high bills and environmental pollution: NO waste incineration!

We invite citizens and institutions to submit comments on the proposal of the Waste Management Plan of the Republic of Croatian, located at a public hearing until Tuesday, October 20 In order to facilitate sending comments, we have prepared comments with which all interested parties can form their own or simply forward the comments to the Green Action mail Ministry Proposal Plan is a continuation of the bad and senseless idea of mixing and burning of waste that harm the environment and increase monthly bills for waste.


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