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False solutions

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Since the beginning of its work, Zelena akcija/FoE Croatia has been conducting campaigns to stop investments in harmful plants that encourage unsustainable waste management, such as waste incinerators, waste incineration in cement plants, inadequate waste disposal, waste management centers with harmful technologies, etc.

In these campaigns, we cooperate with numerous associations and civic initiatives that we have gathered in the informal network Zero Waste Croatia.

Some of the most significant results of the work on this topic:

  • preventing the construction of a waste incinerator in Zagreb (2017);
  • preventing the construction of a waste incinerator in Konjščina (2019);
  • punishment for polluters in the Ježdovec forest (2017);
  • creation of the national network Zero Waste Croatia (2014-present).


  • "No waste incinerator" (1990-2017)
  • "Zagreb: European Capital of Trash" (2015-present)
  • "Enough is enough!" - campaign related to Zagreb's problems in waste management, spatial planning and transport (2019-2020)
  • “STOP garbage centers” (2014-present)
  • NO to illegal landfills: Ježdovec, Savica, etc. (1990-present)

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This permission does not apply to stock photos and embedded content of other creators.

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