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Waste reduction

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Reducing waste is a top priority in waste management because it saves resources and reduces the pressure on the environment, so this is one of the main focuses of our work.

FoE Croatia actively contributes to waste reduction goals in a number of ways:

  • educating people on ways to improve the amount of waste they produce by improving their living habits;
  • advocacy campaigns to improve legislation to encourage waste reduction and the development of material reuse systems;
  • by cooperating and making recommendations to various actors such as cities and municipalities, cafes, companies, festivals, public institutions and others.

Some of the most significant results of the work on this topic:

  • numerous activities of exchange and repair of materials as well as education;
  • improved Croatian legislation and numerous local government policies;
  • implementation of a project to reduce waste and increase food donation and development of models to improve the system and educational materials;
  • the cooperative Humana Zagreb was founded and the generation of large quantities of textile waste was prevented;
  • the first complete center for reuse in Croatia was opened (Prelog);
  • successful operation of the Bicycle Repair Workshop of FoE Croatia;
  • appointment and work in the National Circular Economy Committee.


  • “We Choose Reuse” (2020-present)

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