The Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy was endorsed at the third Pan-European Conferences of Ministers of the Environment "Environment for Europe" held in Sofia in October 1995, it concerns more than 50 countries of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. The PEBLDS is a European response to support the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
The Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy was endorsed at the third Pan-European Conferences of Ministers of the Environment "Environment for Europe" held in Sofia in October 1995, it concerns more than 50 countries of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. The PEBLDS is a European response to support the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity. The Strategy was proposed in the Maastricht Declaration (1993), and builds on the Bern Convention, the European Conservation Strategy (1990), the Dobrís and Lucerne Ministerial Conferences (1991, 1993), the Earth Summit (1992), and other existing initiatives and programmes. The Strategy aims to strengthen the application of the Bern Convention in relation to the Convention on Biological Diversity, following the Monaco Declaration. The drafting group for the Strategy was lead by ECNC.
The Strategy introduces a coordinating and unifying framework for strengthening and building on existing initiatives. It does not aim to introduce new legislation or programmes, but to fill gaps where initiatives are not implemented to their full potential or fail to achieve desired objectives. It provides the opportunity to take more effective measures by facilitating the development of a common approach to the conservation of Europe's biodiversity and by helping to promote coordinated action.
The Joint Secretariat of the Pan-European Strategy carries out the daily operations and is composed of the Council of Europe and UNEP.