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Online panel discussion: "Let's talk menstrual education"

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We invite you to the panel discussion "Let's talk about menstrual education", which will be held on October 21 at 7:30 pm on the Zoom platform.

Are you concerned about the impact of menstrual poverty and the environmental consequences of single-use menstrual products? Want to learn more about menstrual education and how we can create a more equitable and sustainable future? Then this online panel discussion is for you! It will be held online on Zoom. Please reigster HERE.

The event is organised as part of the Environmenstrual Week 2024 campaign. In this online panel discussion, we will discuss the importance of menstrual education, the challenges of menstrual poverty and the benefits of sustainable menstrual products. 

The discussion will be held in English, and the panelists are coming from diverse backgrounds:

  • Nastya Podorozhnya (Founder of the organization for women refugees' support in Poland) who will present us the topic of menstrual poverty in the context of Ukranian refugees and how their initiative is tackling this issue
  • Zilka Spahić Šiljak (Associate professor in gender studies, human rights, and peace activism) who will present the findings from the biggest study on menstrual poverty in Bosnian Universities
  • Abi O'Callaghan Platt (Coordinator of the Erasmus+ project, Menstruation: Empowerment and Sustainability (MENSY) who will present their work on tackling menstrual poverty and environmental costs of it through MENSY project
  • Jo Linehan (Editor of the Climate Supplement of the Sunday Times) who will present us with the topic of environmental impact of single use menstrual products and taboos related to menstruation.

Our distinguished panelists will discuss the pressing issues of menstrual health, sustainability, and equity. They will share their insights on:

  • Menstrual poverty: The global prevalence and impact of menstrual poverty, particularly among women refugees and marginalized communities
  • Sustainable menstruation: The benefits of reusable menstrual products and the challenges to their adoption, including environmental concerns and cultural barriers
  • Menstrual education: The importance of comprehensive menstrual education in schools and communities, and its role in empowering women, girls and menstruators
  • Advocacy and policy change: The role of individuals, organizations, and governments in addressing menstrual health issues and promoting sustainable practices. 

Join us for an informative and inspiring discussion on menstrual health, sustainability, and equity!


This event is organised as part of the Environmenstrual Week 2024 campaign and by partners in the Erasmus+ project: VOICE(Ireland) - project coordinators, Zelena akcija / Friends of the Earth Croatia (Croatia), REZERO (Spain), WEN (UK), Greenzone (Hungary), ZERO (Portugal), WECF (Netherlands), and ZWLviv (Ukraine) - project partners.

The project is financed from the ERASMUS plus program (Programme Erasmus+ Action Type KA220-ADU - Cooperation partnerships in the field of youth) under the leadership of Leargas, the Irish national agency. The views expressed in this project and project activities are the sole responsibility of Zelena akcija / FoE Croatia and project partners and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. 



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