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A call to boycott GMO products

Akcijagmo20050413 003

Zagreb, 1st october 2003. - To mark the passing of the new Environmental Protection Law, Green Action is calling on consumers to boycott products which contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and farmers to boycott GMO seed which would, in practice, result in Croatia becoming a "GMO free zone".

 Zagreb, 1st october 2003. - To mark the passing of the new Environmental Protection Law, Green Action is calling on consumers to boycott products which contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and farmers to boycott GMO seed which would, in practice, result in Croatia becoming a "GMO free zone".

Although the Croatian Government has forbidden the release of GMOs into the environment in protected areas and areas important for the production of organic crops and eco-tourism, the Environmental Protection Law offers no solutions for preventing possible GMO contamination, nor for compensation in the event of damage to surrounding farmland and countryside. In a country as small as Croatia, the probability of pollution is quite high.

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