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Okrugli stol: Hrvatska bez jednokratne plastike?

Okrugli stol pod nazivom "Izazovi i prilike nužnog smanjenja proizvodnje i potrošnje jednokratnih plastičnih proizvoda u Republici Hrvatskoj" održat će se u srijedu, 21. listopada, u velikoj dvorani Novinarskog doma s početkom u 10 sati. Glavne teme okruglog stola su: transpozicija Direktive o smanjenju jednokratne plastike u hrvatsko zakonodavstvo, provedba propisanih mjera i nove prilike za inovativne poslovne modele.

Img 3835

Plastic free July in Art Park Zagreb

As a member of worldwide movement “Break Free From Plastic”, Zelena akcija / Friends of the Earth Croatia / Zero Waste Croatia Network is organizing “Plastic Free July”. Activities are happening throughout July, 2020, starting on the 3rd of July marking The International Plastic Bag Free Day. Raising awareness activity involving the public was held on 15th of July as an event in collaboration with the Art Part project at park Ribnjak in Zagreb.


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