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Towards Zero Waste - new handbook on sustainable consumption

Picture of the handbook's cover page

On the occasion of International Zero Waste Day, which is celebrated every year on March 30, we present a new manual on sustainable consumption!

Have you ever heard of reuse? Have you heard that it is a better practice than recycling and that it reduces the harmful impact on the environment and the climate? Have you ever wondered why and how to apply it in your everyday life?

Whether you are a beginner or an expert in reuse, this manual can help you acquire new and/or improve existing knowledge and skills when it comes to reuse practices and their application in everyday life.

We certainly agree with the fact that the responsibility for finding a solution to the climate crisis and the general crisis of environmental pollution does not lie with individuals or even local communities, but primarily with decision-makers at the international and national level (which as citizens and activists we should do our best to influence). But despite this, each of us can do a lot to reduce our impact on the environment. This handbook explores what we can change in our lifestyles to resist the established practices of consumerism and choose sustainability.

But more importantly, it should motivate you to think not only about your own consumer habbits, but also about the wider system that enables and supports them. We hope that after reading this manual you will not only want to change your habits, but will also want to become a part of the movement that aims for radical changes of the rotten system.

It's time to start talking about why recycling is important, but also why it's not enough. It's time to debunk the myths, explore alternatives and understand the impact we have when we ditch one-off solutions and get really serious about resource efficiency and reuse. We don't want to put the blame on anyone. We want to encourage you to make decisions based on evidence and in line with your own values.

The manual is structured to question established beliefs, promote environmental awareness and educate. Each month is dedicated to a specific theme of reuse and sustainable consumption. In the second part of the manual, you can find a calendar of challenges for introducing new sustainable practices into your life. You don't have to worry. These challenges are meant to gently push you to think, not overwhelm you. They are designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of sustainable living.

It is intended for everyone who already wants to contribute to reuse and reduction of unnecessary consumption through their actions: activists, communities who want to explore these practices and individuals who want to acquire new skills and share them with others. 

We dedicate it to all those who, in various segments of everyday life, have already become masters of reuse and efficient use of resources - recently or long ago, out of an activist urge or out of necessity, regardless of whether they know or not that they are contributing to the well-being of people and the planet. 

Your participation is essential for the success and survival of this movement!


The project is financed from the ERASMUS plus program (Programme Erasmus+ Action Type KA220-ADU - Cooperation partnerships in adult education) under the leadership of AMPEU. The views expressed in this project and project activities are the sole responsibility of Green Action and project partners and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.


Towards Zero Waste - a Handbook

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