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FoE Croatia is starting a 'Plastic-Free Week' campaign

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As a member of worldwide movement “Break Free From Plastic”, Zelena akcija/Friends of the Earth Croatia is organizing “Plastic-Free Week”. Activities will be happening from 2nd until 6th of July, 2018 as the 3rd of July is The International Plastic Bag Free Day.

During this week, Zelena akcija/Friends of the Earth Croatia will be organizing many activities aiming to raise awareness and educate the public on the damage of using and producing single-use plastic, both for the environment and for our society, promoting sustainable and available alternatives, simultaneously targeting the decision makers in order to improve legislation which could affect the production and consumption of single-use plastic.

  • MONDAY, 2nd of July, 2018

Creative DIY workshop recycling old t-shirts into new canvas bags (in collaboration with social enterprise HUMANA NOVA); Frankopanska 1, 18h
Online campaign #mogubez  (I can do without) #breakfreefromplastic;  Zelena akcija’s Facebook page and Instagram

  • TUESDAY, 3rd of July, 2018

Street action/performance “How long can we stand this way?” and media press conference; Zagreb Central Railway Station, 10h
Raising awareness street action -giant canvas bag placed on the mobile stand and ridden through city of Zagreb replacing citizens’ single-use plastic bags with canvas bags and  informing them about the hazards of single-use plastic, on the route from Zagreb Central Railway Station - Ban Josip Jelačić Square, 10:30 - 12h

  • WEDNESDAY, 4th of July, 2018

Collecting textile waste in collaboration with social enterprise Humana Nova; Frankopanska 1, 10-17h
Online campaign #mogubez (I can do without) #breakfreefromplastic; Zelena akcija’s Facebook page and Instagram page

  • THURSDAY, 5th of July, 2018

Movie screenings: “Bag it” (2010) by Suzan Beraza and “Open Your Eyes” (2015) by Plastic Pollution Coalition at Art Park , 21h
Panel discussion: Humana Nova (social entreprise), Freewa (reusable bottle), Špeceraj (zero waste store), Zero Waste Croatia Lifestyle (online blog), Break Free From Plastic Movement, Prijatelji životinja (animals rights NGO), Art Park, 19:30h
Online campaign #mogubez (I can do without)  #breakfreefromplastic; Zelena akcija’s Facebook page and Instagram page

  • FRIDAY, 6tth of July, 2018

Photo exhibition: plastic waste and sustainable alternatives/solutions, Frankopanska 1, 11-17h
Online campaign #mogubez (I can do without)  #breakfreefromplastic; Zelena akcija’s Facebook page and Instagram page

Single use plastic materials like plastic bags, plastic bottles, plastic straws, plastic packaging, q tips, plastic dishes and cutlery are today’s biggest environmental pollutants. Numerous marine species and birds are annually killed by plastic that stays in the soil decaying for hundreds of years, polluting our sea, soil and drinkable water.

This kind of attitude is not sustainable, which was recognized by EU parliament which recently adopted a strategy to reduce plastic waste and proposed a new single-use plastic directive on the European level. In case of Croatia, it means single-use plastic bags consumption would need to be reduced by 10 times in comparison to today’s amount of usage. Apart from that, there are many legal obligations on reducing single-use plastic materials in general, which requires immediate action on all the decision making levels.

Reducing production and consumption of single-use plastic and stimulating production and consumption of environmentally friendly alternatives requires urgent action. Some of the reusable alternatives include canvas bags, baskets or cloth bags instead of plastic bags and glass or aluminium water bottles instead of single-use plastic ones. Other more environmentally friendly alternatives are compostable bags and packaging, cutlery and q tips which are either reusable or compostable, in comparison to very harmful single-use plastic materials.

Plastic free week activities aim to raise awareness  about already existing sustainable alternatives to single-use plastic materials among citizens of Zagreb and to put pressure on decision makers demanding urgent implementation of the measures which would discourage single-use plastic consumption and production.

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