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Call for films for the third E?! Environmental Film Festival!

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Do you shoot documentaries about environmental issues and you’d like them to be seen? We’re deciding on the film programme for the third E?! Environmental Film Festival in Zagreb, April 2016, and we’re interested in your film!

E?! Environmental Film Festival

E?! Environmental film festival is a non-profit project by the Activist group of Zelena akcija (Friends of the Earth Croatia). For the third year running, we’ll be screening films that deal with the effects that humanity has on our planet and the consequences of these changes.

It’s not important whether or not we live in Nigeria, where onshore oil spills prevent us from growing food, or somewhere with a dirty coal power plant next to our house, we can personally feel the consequences of the environment being treated irresponsibly. The E?! Environmental Film Festival tells our stories, everyone’s stories, and each story can also have a happy ending.

Application requirements

In order for a film to be screened on the E?! Environmental Film Festival,

  • the film has to deal with the topics of environment, climate, sustainability, health or activism covering these subjects, whether on a local, national or international level and
  • applicants have to agree with the film being publicly screened.

We support creative work by young and independent documentarists who film without expensive equipment, film crews and other support. If your film’s content is good, we want to see it! Even if it was shot by mobilephone!

However, every film has to satisfy the following two criteria:

  • footage has to be of relatively good quality, it mustn’t be shaky, lighting has to be appropriate, and
  • the film has to have subtitles in English. The subtitles mustn’t be hard-coded.

There is no limit in running time for the film.

How to apply

Fill out this electronic form:

All films have to be sent by file sharing or by post to Zelena akcije, Frankopanska 1, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia.

The application deadline is March 13th, 2016.

What after the application?

The committee, formed by members of Zelena akcija's Activist group, will consider every application which satisfies the aforementioned criteria.
Decisions by the committee will be guided by the quality of the work and footage, and by their vision of the festival. The committee is in no way limited by the number of films that have to be chosen for screening, hence it can accept or reject any number of applications.

All applicants will be notified in a timely manner about whether or not the film will be screened. The organizers may also contact the authors of the films for potential Skype discussions after the screenings, if the authors also wish to contribute in this way.

Admissions are free for every screening and the organizers of the E?! Environmental Film Festival, Zelena akcija and its Activist group, don’t make any profit.

  • Therefore, applicants have to agree not to be paid for the screening of the film or other forms of collaboration.

However, applicants of every film that we screen will receive a copy of the stunning photo-books Keepers (Luka Tomac) and Arctic Reflections (Luka Tomac and Christy Hehir).

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at:

We look forward to seeing your films!

You may upload our content in an integral or revised version with the indication of the organisation Zelena akcija/FoE Croatia - under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This permission does not apply to stock photos and embedded content of other creators.

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