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Zagreb, Thursday 31st May 2012, Zelena akcija / FoE Croatia held the annual assmebly where we have elected the sixth president in 22 years of out existance. New president is Mr. Bernard Ivčić, member and activist for many yers and vice-president since 2011. The members of the executive board are: Ms Zeljka Leljak Gracin (vice-president), Mr. Luka Tomac (vice-president), Mr. Toni Vidan, Ms. Jagoda Munić, Ms. Daniela Jovanova Ivanković and Mr. Sven Janovski.

The assemby adopted a new strategical plan for the period 2012. – 2015 with the following strategical goals:

  1. To halt destruction and privatisation of natural resources and to promote sustainable management of all environmental resources
  2. To promote sustainable climate policies on national and international level with focus on sustainable energy and transportation
  3. To monitor adoption and implementation of environmental legislation and to promote environmental human rights
  4. To increase environmental awarness of citisens in order to increase resposible environmental behaviour and environmental activism
  5. To promote sustainable economic models based on evironmental and social justice as alternative to existing economic model

The assembly greeted the previous president Mr. Tomislav Tomašević for sucessful leadership during the last 5 years.

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