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World's biggest environmental organisations support the S.O.S. Adriatic campaign

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Today (15th May 2015) the S.O.S. Adriatic coalition held a press conference in Opatija, Croatia, where Greenpeace International, Friends of the Earth International and the Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice gave support to the campaign against exploration and exploitation of oil in the Adriatic Sea.

The representatives of the world's biggest environmental organisations sent a clear message to the Croatian Government: to abandon dirty energy projects which harm the people and the planet, and to initiate the energy and social transformation that will enable the transition towards a low carbon society.

“This is not only an Adriatic destroying decision, it is a planet destroying one. Devastating floods, droughts and super typhoons have become common place because of this addiction to dirty and polluting energy. The  science is clear we need to keep 80% of all fossil fuels in the ground if we are stop even more catastrophic impacts to our homes and communities. In December governments from all around the world will meet in Paris to agree concrete action to prevent this greatest threat to humanity. If the Croatian government has a choice, will it be a champion for the right to life for us all or will it join those climate criminals who are willing to turn their back on science, on justice and on humanity for the sake of profits for big corporations”, said Asad Rehman, the coordinator of the Global Campaign for Climate Justice.

“Friends of the Earth International supports local communities and citizens' initiatives around the world in their fight against fossil fuels extraction. We are doing it for two main reasons: firstly, because of the damage these projects cause to the local environment and society, and, secondly, because it's time to make a shift towards renewable energy sources in Croatia and to do everything necessary to avoid the disastrous consequences of climate chaos”, added Jagoda Munić, the chair of Friends of the Earth International, world's biggest network of environmental organisations.

”Successful countries aren't those that win in arms or space races, but those that adopt green technologies. The future is in renewable energy sources, there is no doubt, and it’s exactly the Croatian Adriatic that has great potential, especially when it comes to solar energy.

When it starts to be based on renewable sources, Croatian economy will start recovering. But if it is going to continue to rely on technologies of the past centuries, such as oil and coal, Croatia will only harm it's own children”, concluded Kumi Naidoo, the executive director of Greenpeace International.

Photographs from the press conference can be found here.

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