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Quit Playing Ping-Pong with Vrginmost's Residents!

Web  44

Zelena akcija / FoE Croatia urges the relevant authorities to take immediate action to stop the violence perpetrated by Phaten Plastic Recycling against the community in Vrginmost, Gvozd Municipality!

Today, activists held a performance at Zagreb's Main Railway Station to mark International Plastic Bag-Free Day, which is traditionally part of the "Plastic-Free July" campaign. This year, they focused on raising awareness about plastic pollution in Vrginmost.

"Enough of passing the buck! This situation is like a game of ping-pong, with players swapping places, running around the table, and passing the ball back and forth," said Ana-Marija Mileusnić from Zelena Akcija / FoE Croatia.

Despite all state institutions being fully aware of the problem, no one is taking responsibility. "The residents of Vrginmost are suffering, while Phaten Plastic Recycling continues to operate", added Mileusnić.

Mileusnić explained that the performance aimed to highlight their awareness of the "game" being played by the authorities. "We are closely monitoring the situation and demand urgent accountability and the immediate cessation of the plant's operations. Additionally, we call for compensation for the residents of Vrginmost and the restoration of the environment to its original state", Mileusnić emphasised.

She considers it shameful and unacceptable that the Government of Croatia, relevant ministries, and other bodies persistently ignore people's right to a clean and healthy environment. "Instead, they favour polluting industries and the generation of private profit", she stated.

Given the seriousness of the situation, Zelena akcija / FoE Croatia calls on citizens to join the protest "Justice for Vrginmost in Gvozd Municipality" to be held tomorrow, 4th July, at 3 pm in the town park in Vrginmost. "Let us show solidarity and loudly demand justice for the Vrginmost community", concluded Mileusnić.

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