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Invitation for media – Breakfast with journalists

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Presentation of the report “Invest in Haste, Repent at Leisure” and marking of a global action “End the age of coal“

Center for Environment invites the media to the presentation of the report “Invest in a hurry, you will have time to regret it”, specifically part of the report related to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Breakfast with journalists will be in the Music Pavilion in the park Petar Kočić, on Saturday 29th June at 11:00.

Huge investments by international financial institutions (IFIs) in fossil fuel in Western Balkans prevent these countries to respect the EU requirements, according to a new report “Invest in Haste, Repent at Leisure”.

This report was presented on Tuesday in Brussels by the organization CEE Bankwatch Network, SEE Change Net and WWF, as representatives of a group of 17 organizations that carry out SEE SEP programme (South East Europe Sustainable Energy Policy).

In the preface to the report the EU climate commissioner, Connie Hedegard, said: “Supporting energy efficiency and renewable energy is absent, as governments around the world spend hundreds of billions of dollars subsidizing the beginning of a catastrophe.”

SEE SEP program in Bosnia and Herzegovina is implemented by the Center for Environment in collaboration with the Public Interest Advocacy Center from Sarajevo. SEE SEP program is financially supported by the European Union, UNDP and the Balkan Trust for Democracy.

Center for Environment joined the global campaign “End the age of coal,” which is celebrated worldwide on 29th June. The goal is to indicate to decision-makers and citizens the harmful effects of burning coal, and to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.

We would like to inform the public with the information that we have obtained by analyzing the plans for construction of TPP Stanari and TPP Ugljevik. Also, activists of Centre for Environment will perform an appropriate performance in the park (depending on weather conditions).

The journalists will receive supporting materials on USB memory cards.

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