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International Sava River Basin NGO Conference

Img sava1mala

On 10th September 2006 in Krapinske Toplice, Croatia an International Sava River Basin NGO conference was held.

Under the title Sava- our common heritage, a conference of NGOs from Sava River Basin was held. From the title itself it is visible that the River Sava, as well as our life in the basin, is depending on ourselves and our deed, good and bad.

Conference was organized in the frame of regional project „Strengthening NGO participation in EU WFD implementation in Sava River Basin”. The project is conducted with financial support of UNDP/GEF Danube Regional Project through grants program of REC CEE. Project is beeing implemented by all four rivers of Sava Basin: Society for bird research and nature protection from Slovenia; Green Action from Croatia; Centre for Environmentaly Sustainable Development from Bosnia and Herzegovina, and DEF Serbia from Serbia.

Aim of the project is to strengthen role of public in Sava river basin management planning, as well as to encourage our national water politics to get closer to the goals of WFD. The goals of WFD are to achieve good water status till 2015, incorporate opinions of all stakeholders into the management plans and sustainable management of water resources so they can be preserved for the generations to come.

We started the establishemnt of the informal International SRB NGO Committee which will actively participate and contribute to the production of river basin management plan for Sava. We iniciated better cooperation between NGOs and International Sava River Basin Commission (Green Action was granted by observer status till the May 2007) and other relevant institutions. As well practical guidance were given for making of Public participation strategy in SRB.

In case of any further questions call + 385 1 4818 480 or e-mail

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