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Campaign on River Drava against its destruction


Since 2003 Green Action is part of ongoing campaigning process against gravel excavation and destruction of the river Drava by its devastating regulation. On this campaign Green Action is working together with WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature), Croatian NGO The Drava League, Euronatur and The Drava Federation form Hungary.

Since 2003 Green Action is part of ongoing campaigning process against gravel excavation and destruction of the river Drava by its devastating regulation. On this campaign Green Action is working together with WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature), Croatian NGO The Drava League, Euronatur and The Drava Federation form Hungary.

During this campaign as basic information material is being disseminated. In this fact sheet is stated that gravel extraction and river regulation works are in contradiction to the conclusions of the Croatian Environmental Impact Study (EIS) and Croatia’s Biodiversity Strategy. Also this represents a violation of international conventions to which Croatia has committed itself in order to protect and restore the unique river ecosystem - among others also Convention on Biological Diversity. Activities on the river are also in conflict with EU environmental law: the EU Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), the Birds Directive (79/409/EEC) and the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) and thus contradict Croatia’s ambitous program for EU approximation.

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During the campaign we are mostly doing on lobbying, public awareness raising and direct actions organizing. Since the beginning of the campaign we managed to win few battles (closing of the gravel excavation site near Varazdin, stopping of the recent public tender for excavation of further 2 mio m3 of sediments from Drava), but unfortunately the “war” is still on, till Croatian Government do not put moratorium on sediment extraction from unique and valuable river Drava

Recently we organized Little Tern County Tour in order to promote importance of conservation of little tern (Sterna albifrons), endangered species whose habitats are directly threatened by destruction of Drava River. Event was organized in all county centers in Croatia along the river Drava in the period from 30th May till 3rd June 2005.  These activities received a lot of media coverage and information material and leaflet about little tern were disseminated to the local inhabitants.

For more information please contact:

Irma Popovic
Green Action
Tel: ++385 1 4818 480
Fax. ++385 1 4813 096


 Fact sheet about gravel extraction and river regulation 

PDF 95.4 KB

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